Previously, we have learned what pronouns are (he, she, they, etc.). Now, we will look at a different kinds of pronouns.
Watch the video below and think about how YOU would explain what relative and interrogative pronouns are.
Watch the video below and think about how YOU would explain what relative and interrogative pronouns are.
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Relative pronouns, such as 'whom' and 'who,' are used to refer to people. 'That' and 'whose' are relative pronouns that can be used when referring to things, people, ideas or qualities.
If a pronoun is needed to refer to something other than a person, the pronoun 'which' should be used. For example, consider the sentence, 'Do you know which house Ronnie lives in?' Here, the word 'which' is a relative pronoun that refers to Ronnie's house.
If a pronoun is needed to refer to something other than a person, the pronoun 'which' should be used. For example, consider the sentence, 'Do you know which house Ronnie lives in?' Here, the word 'which' is a relative pronoun that refers to Ronnie's house.
Click here to take another quiz and test the skills you've gained so far:
For those of you that want even MORE practice, feel free to click here and take this test. Be careful though, it's tough:
It can be hard to decide which relative pronoun to use in a sentence.
Who is used for people. If you are referring to a person, use who.
Which and that refer to groups or things.
Who is used for people. If you are referring to a person, use who.
Which and that refer to groups or things.
Go through this Prezi to review everything you have learned today!
- CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.4.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
- CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.4.1a Use relative pronouns (who, whose, whom, which, that) and relative adverbs (where, when, why).